not too difficult on your 5000 Jean,
copy the style into the composer.
in the composer go to the variation.
select a track eg drums or bass.
stop it playing and go to step record.
go back and forth with the cursor seeing what is played on the first beat of the bar. This will be identified by notes (also identifying individual drum sounds). Each note or event will appear in turn if more than one event happens at the same time ie there are 2 or more drums played at the same time.
now cursor to the 3rd beat and see what the differences are.
Maybe the drums have a bass drum on beat 1, try putting a bass drum on beat 3 too, just by playing the correct note at the correct place. You can erase any mistakes, and change notes, velocities, lengths etc in this screen.
Maybe the bass has a higher velocity on beat 1, try upping the velocity of the bass note on beat 3 to give more 'oomph' to the style.
Ok any changes before leaving the edit point and moving on to the next track or edit point.
You should be able to achieve a closer result to your desired one with these methods

[This message has been edited by technicsplayer (edited 02-04-2002).]